What You See Is What You Get!

Posted by & filed under Spiritual.

self-esteem-mirrorWho do you see when you look in the mirror? More importantly do you love who you see? Our self-image can be an area of our being that can either give us the belief and confidence we need to reach our God-given talent or the one thing that completely robs us of our purpose. If you do not love who you see when you stare at your reflection, then chances are you will struggle in many, if not all areas of your life.

So who do you see? Is it someone the world has always describe to you? From birth until the time we realize we have more control of who we are than others, we allow people to program our mind and thoughts. Our beliefs, our morals, our principles, our views, etc. are uploaded into our brains like a computer; we put out what has been put in. Sadly enough so many of us have no control of the first 15-20 years of our lives in terms of the people we are surrounded by.  That in itself puts many people having more to overcome than others. But even for those that may have had the best parents, best teachers and the best friends, many still face the next phase of programing which can be more damaging, or, more positive depending on the decision that is made and that is they way we speak to ourselves.

I have met people who would actually make it a point to avoid mirrors for they did not want to face the person they saw. Most of the time this reflection of avoidance is not that of physical nature, but of the heart and spirit. When we have fallen victim to negative influence, be it by others or by our self talk, love is squeezed out! “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4) Although we know God does not make junk and more so we were created in His image, we still cannot feel the love that was intended to fill us. Instead we are engulfed with fear, hatred, anger, jealousy, doubt, envy, greed; the list goes on for these things cannot be in a place where there is love; and love can not exist within their presence. Knowing this a choice must be made. Do we continue avoiding the reflection in the mirror or do we begin inviting love back in? To do so there are a few critical things we must do.

Make sure that when we talk to ourselves, be it out loud or within our own minds, say positive things. No longer can you program your minds with negative, love draining statements. You must begin telling yourself and re-programing your mind, heart and spirit with the language of love. Question of the day is “How does God see you?”

Seeking God’s will for you, as well as asking Him to reveal to you the reflection of yourself as He sees you, you will begin to experience a replacement of the negative with feelings of confidence, belief, peace, acceptance and hope; you can look in the mirror and love yourself.

8 Responses to “What You See Is What You Get!”

  1. Donovan

    I will have to “reflect” on this one, Jeff. 🙂
    Nice post!

  2. Vitality2day

    Thank you for this post. I believe many of us are struggling with loving our selves completely. I know I am. Most of the time I know who I am and the devine being I am. But sometimes old habits, old self abusive talk surfaces again and I have to take time to find my own inner peace. love and light again.

    • divineimpacts

      Thanks for the comment. Its why we all have to work together and help one another along affirming our purpose and letting each other know we matter! One day at a time! We will get there! THANKS again for the kind words!

  3. Cheryl Thomas

    Great post Jeff. I know this to be true because when I began to see myself through God’s eyes and not others, my esteem and self-worth greatly improved!

    • divineimpacts

      I agree 100% as I have really just started seeing myself that way; my confidence, belief, purpose, desire, etc continues to increase daily! I think we are on to something..lol…Thanks for checking it out!

  4. Jean Buschke

    I like your post…very important questions to ask yourself. I love ” How does God see you? That makes me smile…

    • divineimpacts

      Thanks Jean. Makes me smile too! 🙂 Just have to get more people helping each other smile and the world will be a much better place! Thanks for the post!


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