WOW! Here we are again! The conclusion of a year that seemed like it just started; and they appear, as we get older, to get here quicker! Not sure if you are like me but if you are you are looking back at this year and reflecting; what went well, what didn’t; what do we […]
Posts Categorized: Spiritual
Emotion or Just Motion!
Do you ever feel like you are doing nothing more than going through the motions of life? Passion, excitement and enthusiasm just seem to be nothing more than a distant memory of things that use to be a part of your existence; of the way you viewed and lived your life! Now, it’s nothing more […]
Who’s To Blame?
As we close the chapter to yet another year, many of us do an evaluation of ourselves and reflect and take inventory on those things we saw as good and bad in our lives. Of course with that comes the resolutions to change; be it in our relationships, our health, our finances, our careers; its […]
What’s In a Word?
So here is a question for you: Do you believe that most people in the world do what they say they are going to do? Do they say what they mean or what they believe others want to hear? What value and trust do you place on the words of others? I know, those are tough […]
What’s Your Calling?
“Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed Him.” (Matthew 4:19-20). Can you imagine if someone you had never met walked up to you today and told you to leave behind the life you have been living and follow them, how you […]
The Time is NOW!
Isn’t it crazy how for most of us humans, the instinct is always to put things off until tomorrow? Why is that? Do we think that things will be easier if we wait? or maybe if we are really lucky they will fix themselves? or just go away? or someone else will handle it? Regardless […]
Are You Checking Baggage?
Travel today can be quite expensive, in specific if we are checking bags. When checking in and printing boarding passes it is typically the question we are asked; ” Are you checking any baggage?”. Many of us have figured out a way to travel with less things enabling us to “carry on”! This frees up […]
Crossing the Street of Life
Stop! Look! Listen! Probably one of the most common childhood lessons we are taught when we are kids. And why not? Those three simple words are loaded with wisdom. So why is it that at some point in our adolescent years, we begin to believe these words no longer apply to us? Is it because […]
Till Death Do Us Part!
Since the dawn of civilization, men and women have joined in union to become husband and wife! And while the battle of the definition of marriage continues to plague our country due to the redefining of what “is” marriage, i’m not going to write on that subject today. Quite honestly I believe there is a […]
It’s All About The POP!
It’s all about the POP! In a world that is full of hurting people; healing could begin if we only all began turning to the POP! In a society of growing division, anger and destruction; peace could once again be restored if we only all began turning to the POP! In times of uncertainty, confusion, […]
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