Welcome! My name is Jeff Mere and this is my wife Jessica. We are blessed you stopped by!
In my quest to seek, find and act on my purpose on this earth, I have uncovered a passion to inspire and encourage others to seek out God’s will in their lives. From my own experiences I have found that many out there are seeking evidence of God’s existence; that evidence exists in our stories and our testimonies; our own examples of God’s Divine Impact in our lives; we need only share! This ministry gives a place for both the seeker and those blessed enough to have experienced a divine impact to come together; and through sharing our stories we can make the miracle continue!
I welcome you all to join us in our ministry by stopping by to experience the articles and leave comments and suggestions; join and LIKE usĀ on Facebook by clicking the LIKE button to the right and meditate on the daily scriptures; feel free to post scriptures and quotes yourself to our page; make prayer request and last but not certainly least, consider joining us for one Divine Impacts Awakening Calls. Each call is filled with prayer, scripture and testimony. Information regarding the call can be found on the DI Awakening Call tab or feel free to check out an archived call on the Archives Tab!
Again we look forward to you being a part of the Divine Impacts family! May God bless you abundantly and may you seek His will and impact in your life!
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