What Test Are You On? and Why?

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Testimony N TestWe live in a world today where so many people are struggling, are in pain, feel alone in the world and are searching; they are searching for something to believe in; something to give them hope; they desire evidence of something bigger than them that can deliver them from their suffering; something to change their lives; or should I say someone! Could that someone be you? I challenge you that the answer is YES!

God inspired me a few short weeks ago, November 4, 2012 to be exact. I had been praying for months for God to reveal His purpose and His will in my life and that I had developed a desire to live His purpose in my life. That is when the ministry I founded called Divine Impacts was born. The entire message of Divine Impacts is to deliver that evidence of God’s existence and impact in our lives. The thing I came to realize is that evidence exists in us!

This evidence is engrained in the stories of our struggles, of our trials and tribulations. So many of us have experienced test after test throughout our lives and have been blessed to discover God’s existence and His love for us through the Divine Impact we experienced by searching out His will. The thing is until we share these stories with others, the true miracle and power of them remain locked inside of us never blossoming into the impact God intended for them. Luke 11:33 states that “”No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.” We as Christians are called to share our stories, ourselves, with our brothers and sisters.

I was preparing for our weekly Divine Impacts Conference Call which we host weekly (check the details one our website under ministries tab for info and join us) and the message I planned to deliver was that of understanding what testimony really is. Again, in preparing for this call, I always to turn to God for guidance, for what He wants of the call and for the message He wants me to deliver; and it happened. He planted it right one me; BAM!

There is no testimony with test. And then I broke down the word: TEST IM ON…Y? What test am I on right now and why is God allowing it? Like I mentioned earlier, we all are in and out of things in our lives that test us to our limits, in specific they test our faith; and for many of us we feel isolated and alone while we are going through them, as though no one else can understand and we cannot even begin to see the positive in them; the purpose; the WHY! But if we believe that God’s will for us will exceed anything we can imagine; if we believe Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”; then we have to believe that this test will produce positive results filled with blessing and miracles. It’s when we, while going through the test, can explore and ask God to reveal the positive He has in store, the WHY of the test, then you will not only realize that great things are in your present and future BUT that you have a story; you have a testimony; that you now understand the TEST I’M ON and Y!

I encourage you to reflect on how God has impacted your life; how has He changed you, helped you, given you peace and strength and most importantly I encourage you to share it with others. If you are needing a place to do that, Divine Impact welcomes you with open arms! God Bless!

16 Responses to “What Test Are You On? and Why?”

  1. Audrey Knight (@waakn)

    Great blog post, I need to spend more time and reflet with God… Thanks for the encourgement!

    • divineimpacts

      Its my pleasure…I know for myself it seemed like I always came back to beating my head against the wall until I started seeking that guidance AND following it! Thanks for the comment. Would appreciate a LIKE to the page if you wouldnt mind! Thx so much

  2. Beatrice Johnston

    This is such a great post. Just last week I was studying out the book of Jeremiah for encouragement and grounding. What I find for me is that I want to be “in control” and so I find myself spinning my wheels because I want to be at the steering wheel, if you know what I mean. This post is a great one for me to reflect on as I continue my studies! Thanks.

    • divineimpacts

      I couldnt have said it better myself…I just commented its was like hitting my head against the wall (spinning wheels) so we are on the same page! Thanks for the comment. Feel free to visit my page as this is exactly the focus of my minstry! http://www.divineimpacts.com

  3. Ms. Jo

    Great website! Love your banner pic! Your articles share wisdom and provoke us to think. Wonderful ministry!

    • divineimpacts

      Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and especially your encouragement! The funny thing is it that I have never been so “not in control”; yet I love it! Following my heart and what I believe to be His will and running with it! 🙂 Again thanks for joining me! Be Blessed! 🙂

  4. JDHouse Speaks

    Thank you. It’s always good to be reminded that we go through so that we will be able to tell others that it’s possible.

    • divineimpacts

      Thanks for the kind words! Can’t grow without! And I am just coming to the desire of that! But the rewards are GREAT! I appreciate you checking us out and for the thumbs up. If you get a chance check out our side and throw a LIKE our way if you could! God Bless! 🙂

  5. D'Tarelle Tullis

    I keep an actual Evidence Journal to remind me of how God is with me and bringing me through. It helps me stay encouraged and to keep moving. Thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring post. God speed doing His will! 😉

    • divineimpacts

      That is an AWESOME idea! Have you ever written about that? better yet have you ever SPOKE about that through testimony and how it works? If you ever feel moved to share that., I have a call I would love for you to speak on! I need to surround myself and people I connect with others who are conscience to it; and you definitely are! GOD BLESS YOU and thanks so much for the uplifting encouragement!

  6. Donovan Dreyer

    You are shining some light into some deep places, my friend. Wow!

    • divineimpacts

      I think I’m pushing to another 1% use of my brain! 🙂 J/K, really I have never felt so channeled with thoughts and inspiration and feel like the right words and the right way of presenting them are just flowing I am blessed! and i ALWAYS appreciate your words of encouragement; they mean more than you know my brother! 🙂

  7. Kathy Widenhouse

    What a wonderful ministry! It’s too easy to think that as a believer we won’t be tested. God clearly tells us otherwise. As a nonprofit copywriter, I’d be interested in learning how you plan to put your mission into action.

    • divineimpacts

      Thanks for the thumbs up Kathy. Our mission is to reach as many people as we can with our message. Found only 2 months ago I am just getting started; learning the power of social media; I reach out daily on FB and our website we now have up; I do a conference call weekly to share tesimonies with others; plan on self publishing a book this summer of testimonies. Those are the things God has planted in my heart and we are acting on them. But I remain open to any and all suggestions to reach as many people as fast as possible! Thanks for the comment and if you get a chance, check out opur webpage and possibly give us a thumbs up; and PLEASE share your thoughts! God Bless! 🙂

  8. Kaykay Fontenot

    This post is one that i really needed to read. It opened my eyes and made me think about the test that im going through right now.. This is an truly amazing ministry.!!

    • divineimpacts

      Thanks sweetie! God literally broke the word TEST IM ON Y down for me! I needed it too! Hope it help! Make sure you share with others! 🙂


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