Isn’t it crazy how for most of us humans, the instinct is always to put things off until tomorrow? Why is that? Do we think that things will be easier if we wait? or maybe if we are really lucky they will fix themselves? or just go away? or someone else will handle it? Regardless of our insane reasoning, the reality is there is no better time than the present, the NOW!
There is so much stress that can be created in our lives when we live outside of the now! For some, we spend our days constantly reliving the past; revisiting tough times, replaying arguments or disagreements, or allowing our mistakes to take place again all over in our heads. When we do this, we use up or NOW moments on rewind spending precious time with things that are over; DONE! They cannot be undone; there are no do overs! What we can do is use our past experiences to make the most if THIS moment; THIS opportunity; THIS conversation; bring the most of ourselves to whoever we are with; whatever situation we are experiencing. Be in the NOW!
For others of us, we stay in a state of imagination; constantly hoping and thinking of what COULD be, rather than what IS! Now don’t get me wrong. I think there is power in planning out our futures; having a game plan, dreaming of the life we desire. But that time needs to be planned and orchestrated to a point the vision of the future IS making the most of the NOW! I know for myself I often find myself drifting off from where I am and what I am doing, the infamous day dreamer. There is no telling how many hours, if not days, I have spent in la la land really getting absolutely nothing accomplished. I know some people will say that is not really a bad thing, but when we realize how precious life is and that it goes by in a flicker, the reality is we have not a second to waste!
I know that a way I have robbed myself of many joy-filled moments is always looking out into the future and establishing an expectation; and end that I have in mind after investing my time in someone or something. For instance I may have spent and entire evening with my wife, taking her to dinner, out for dancing or listening to music, all with the expectation of an intimate moment when we get home! If I didn’t receive what I was expecting, immediately I would throw a child-like tantrum totally destroying the vibe of the evening. Looking back I would have missed out on the joy I could have experienced had I been totally engaged in the moment; enjoying the dinner, enjoying the dancing and music and most importantly enjoying the company and time spent with my wife. Instead those moments of joy were lost because I stayed focused on a future event that may or may not have happened. I believe the latter is what happened most of the time. Not very bright of me!
I know I can’t get those moments back but I tell you, I realize more than ever the importance of trying to be in the moment, the NOW! Whether it’s working on my next writing, preparing dinner with my wife, coloring with my kiddos, praying, riding my bike, working, playing my guitar, etc. It doesn’t matter! The question is am I present with 100% of myself in whatever I am doing? If I am not, I am only robbing myself of the precious miracle gift of the NOW! The Past is gone; the is no guarantee of tomorrow; we can only make the most of NOW! The true PRESENT from God!
Staying present in the here and now is so important for experiencing real happiness, yet it often feels like this elusive, impossible task! Thanks for the post.
Any, Thanks so much for stopping in! YES it is an almost impossible task and the reality is we may never actually 100% get there; but that quest to obtain it is where life will begin to take on a level we never imagined! THANKS for the comment! 🙂
What an AWESOME post! I agree, it is difficult for some to stay in the present…however, it is extremely important as well!
Thanks for the comment. Yes is is difficult but it is a must! That’s why it is so important to be around others trying to do the same thing; we can help keep one another in check! 🙂 thanks for stopping by!
And that is why it is a present…all we need to do is unravel the beauty of the present and make the most of today. Excellent thought, Jeff…sorry for delay in commenting 🙂
Thanks for the comment Kajal! There couldn’t be a better word to be used to describe the NOW; the PRESENT! Thanks for the thumbs up! I appreciate you stopping in. Oh, and beautiful name by the way! 🙂
Jeff, you are so right; the intimacy is not reserved for later. It is in each moment if we truly engage in the present. We have never been in any other moment in our lives, as it is ever the present. The present is ever present! If we had a watch like you pictured above, it would never need a battery change. That watch will be right every time someone comes to this post! As is frequently the case, we are on the same, or a very similar page. This little experiment has been a blast. I continue to marvel at your ability to personalize your posts so beautifully. Well crafted as usual, my friend. Way to make a present for the readers… in the PRESENT!
Love your post! Yes, we’ve all experienced this. And though there are times when waiting has been the right thing to do, it’s not always the right thing to do. I’m so grateful I found energy work that helped me break those patterns of negative self talk and going over and over negative situations in my mind. Life is much more positive and joyful without such practices.
Wow! This is an awesome post! I love the message and it’s one I do my best to live! It is so hard though at times. Also loved the quote at the end. It is one I’ve used often in my business. 🙂
Maybe that’;s why NOW is called PRESENT. We have it in our hands to choose to make and shape it the way we want, instead a lot many of us choose to ignore the present and either lament over the past or worry about the future.