Many have heard the bible, scripture, is the “living word”. As a young man I truly couldn’t wrap my head around that one; I mean it was pieces of paper. But as I have grown older and remain on a quest to seek the truth, I have come to understand exactly what is meant in […]
Is That A Stone In Your Hand?
It seems today we live in a society where everything and everyone is labeled. And the majority of us spend our every waking hour seeking the approval of those doing the labeling! That label so many of us strive for is that of acceptance; to be the best in the eyes of the world. Well what […]
Conversation with God!
Throughout my life, as with many others, my conversations with God have changed dramatically. As we become wiser, which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with age, and our relationship with God begins to deepen, we realize that there are several ways to communicate with our Maker; several forms of prayer. My desire is to […]
The Unholy Trinity?
What is the unholy trinity? I have heard it identified as Satan, the Anti-Christ and a False Profit; it’s even been used on the popular TV Show Glee (which I have never watched; not finding much positive influence on TV these days, but that’s another article). What I am referring to is much simpler and […]
Are We All Boiling Frogs?
I am sure at some time or another you have heard the story told of the boiling frog. If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will instinctually try to climb out. However if you gently place it in a pot of lukewarm water and turn the heat on low, it […]
Who’s Plan Will You Follow?
I attended a conference today on healing at the church I attend and actually picked up on something that I never thought about before; call me stupid but I just never approached it from this angle before. We are frequently told that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us and indeed He does; and from what […]
When is Good Good Enough?
I have spent the majority of my life being what my wife called “anal” in that no matter what project I got involved in, I would spend countless hours in an effort to perfect it. Needless to say most of the time it never quite met my expectations and I would end up considering it […]
Religion vs. Relationship
In a quest to be aware of God’s impact in my life, seeking to know, understand and follow His will for me, I became aware of something I wish to share. I have spent most of my life in and out of church; throughout my childhood it was not a choice. As I grew up into […]
The Problem: Gun or Son Control?
The issue of gun control has engulfed our mainstream media for months. From the recent Newtown Connecticut School shooting to the movie theatre massacre in Aurora Colorado just 30 minutes from my home, the senseless killing of innocent life has gotten the stomachs of us here in this country churning! We are hurt, angry and […]
Do You Have Blind Trust?
For the past 10 years I have worked in the investment and financial world as a licensed investment advisor. One term I was exposed to that I really had never heard or understood was that of a “Blind Trust”. What is a Blind Trust? A blind trust is a trust in which the individual has someone […]
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