Time: it is something that seems to be endless and from a scientific standpoint that could be true; but to each of us individually, time will stop. Be on your guard [constantly alert], and watch and pray; for you do not know when the time will come. (Mark 13: 33). For the Christian, this is […]
Communication Is Key!
“The tongue has the power of life and death.” (Proverbs 18:21). Relationships of substance and longevity require one very important practice; engaging on a regular basis in heart-felt conversation! Show me a person that shares their heart on a regular basis with another human being and I will show you two people who have a […]
Secret to a Joy-Filled Life
I love to read! I think it’s the best way, not to mention the quickest way, to gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Many people read for different reasons; some for entertainment; some to gain an understanding of a subject they may not be well versed in; some for self-improvement; others for inspiration. I tend to […]
Juggling Through Life
Do you ever feel like you go through life juggling so many different things that it’s just a matter of time before you drop something; or in some case everything? We live in a world today where our schedules are so full of activities and obligations that sometimes we don’t know if we are coming […]
Standing Firm
Do you ever find yourself conforming to those around you? Do you allow your actions, words, thoughts and decisions to be directed by what others might think? Do you get caught up in the concern of winning over the approval of others? I sure know I have; for a good portion of my life. […]
Serenity NOW!
Balance! It’s what I decided would be the one word that would describe how I wanted to grow and improve my life in 2013. I entered into a 12-step program 142 days ago for compulsive eaters. I never considered myself as someone with an eating disorder although I had always been overweight. The fact of […]
Grab Your Pencil! Time to Connect The Dots!
How many of you remember watching a page full of dots come to life as a child? As a very young child I can remember the excitement of getting a brand new connect the dots coloring; pages filled with random dots and numbers, endless possibilities of excitement, color and life. And the opportunity to reach out […]
Smile….The World Needs It!
For the past several years, I have enjoyed a little ritual that I enjoy doing on my drive to work. At every red light or stop sign, I look over at the person beside me and smile and wave! It’s amazing the responses I receive! Many people smile and wave back and I’m sure as they […]
What Do “YOU” Worry About?
Question for the day: What do you worry about? or better yet, what keeps you up at night? My challenge is for everyone that reads this to share the one thing they see has their biggest burden or stress to overcome. Our lives are filled with one stress after another, one worry, one problem, issues […]
Many Parts….Connected!
The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation; that we are independent of one another; that we do not share in the events of life. Nothing can be further from the truth. Everything that happens, even if it is on the other side of the earth, will eventually makes it impact on each of us. […]
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