Since the dawn of civilization, men and women have joined in union to become husband and wife! And while the battle of the definition of marriage continues to plague our country due to the redefining of what “is” marriage, i’m not going to write on that subject today. Quite honestly I believe there is a […]
It’s All About The POP!
It’s all about the POP! In a world that is full of hurting people; healing could begin if we only all began turning to the POP! In a society of growing division, anger and destruction; peace could once again be restored if we only all began turning to the POP! In times of uncertainty, confusion, […]
We live in a time with unprecedented technology; the knowledge and information at the fingertips of modern civilization far exceeds anything our forefathers could have imagined. And with each passing moment, today’s technology seems like an antique in light of the innovations being uncovered daily catapulting us into an intelligence age never before seen! Why […]
Rewire for a New You
Imagine spending a million dollars on a brand new, state-of-the-art computer and when you open it up and turn it on, it’s only program was a simple calculator. Sounds absurd doesn’t it? Well there is not one of us who would not have a problem if that were in fact the case but this would […]
Epidemic of Division
I watched today while the largest Christian denomination elected their new leader, Pope Francis; and while many were excited not only for the Catholic faith, but many other Christian faiths and their leaders who joined in a prayer of celebration, I was shocked and disgusted at how quickly the negative and rude comments began to […]
The Fallen Apple
I think at some time we have all heard the old saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Other idioms and sayings suggesting the same thing are “Like father, like son”; “Chip off the old block”; and “In his father’s footsteps”. I have never given these quotes much thought until just recently. Basically […]
Cross your T’s
I believe anyone who has ever been a parent would agree that it would have been nice to have been sent home with an “instruction manual” when they left the hospital with their newborns. I know I would have LOVED to have had some guidance. But unfortunately, no such document exist. It is a learn-as-you-go […]
Zombies – Fact or Fiction?
It seems the world today is obsessed with Zombies! From TV series and movies, to books and video games. The retail world is making a killing! So this poses a question; what is the connection with zombies and humanity? This in itself raises another question; are there even such things as Zombies? Are they Fact […]
Journey to the Desert
This week marked the beginning of what many Christians experience as Lent. Many identify this time as a Catholic tradition but many other Christian denominations, such as the Orthodox, Lutheran and other Anglican denominations acknowledge this time of spiritual growth. Sadly, many approach this time not really understanding the purpose; view it as a burden and […]
Facts on ACTS!
Have you ever been driving down the road and seen this decal to the left on the back window of a vehicle and ask yourself, “What is that all about?” I know; I did. Ultimately it has something to do with a religion, right? Well I am here to share with you that it goes far […]
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